Dissolving Boundaries, Uniting Solutions

About Solvents

A Solvent is a substance, ordinarily a liquid, in which other materials dissolve to form a solution. Polar solvents (e.g., water) favour formation of ions; nonpolar ones (e.g., hydrocarbons) do not. Solvents may be predominantly acidic, predominantly basic, amphoteric (both), or aprotic (neither). Organic compounds used as solvents include aromatic compounds and other hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters, ethers, ketones, amines, and nitrated and halogenated hydrocarbons. Their chief uses are as media for chemical syntheses, as industrial cleaners, in extractive processes, in pharmaceuticals, in inks, and in paints, varnishes, and lacquers.
We offer many solvents packaged in 20 litre pails, 208 litre drums,1,000 litre totes and bulk tanker trucks. Our solvents have various grades as USP, technical and ACS. Please see below a list of our core solvents offered. We also do a lot of sourcing so if you are looking for a particular solvent feel free to inquire further. Please see below the popular solvents we offer.